5 reasons the Property Market withstood “Storm 2020”

2020 was one heck of a ride.

The tourism, restaurant and travel industries (to name just a few) took a huge battering, and will likely feel those effects for a while to come. Our thoughts are with them.
The real estate industry on the other hand, was robust in 2020, particularly in certain strategically placed locations around the world, of which the French Riviera is one. We count ourselves very lucky, and are grateful.
As this wild year draws to a close, we have identified 5 clear reasons why the French Riviera market not only weathered the storm, but flourished:
✅ 1.) Accessibility by Car
From most major European cities one can reach the French Riviera within the day. Pop the family in the car in the early morning in Brussels, Berlin or London, and you’re on the French Riviera by evening. No reliance on flights, and no (or extremely limited) Covid-19 exposure.
✅ 2.) Historically Stable Market
The French Riviera is a historically stable real estate market. It is known to be robust in the face of global market fluctuations. Thus, for second-home buyers and investors alike, it represents a safe investment in the mid to long term.
The appeal of stable market conditions is heightened by the appeal of proven rental returns, both for summer vacations and congresses (in Cannes particularly).
✅ 3.) Fixed low interest rates
Savvy investors have made the most of the fixed low interest rates of under 2%, available through French banks.
✅ 4.) Health care
Covid-19 has brought home the importance of good health care, and while European buyers remain in Europe, their families are guaranteed a high level of health care in the eventuality of needing it – giving a European buyer added peace of mind.
✅ 5.) Lifestyle
Why have people loved the French Riviera for centuries? 300 days of sunshine, beaches, mountains, French Provençal produce from the markets, outdoor sports and activities, space and fresh air; time and time again, lifestyle plays a key role in the allure of the region.
So, while a similar lifestyle can be found elsewhere in the world, we saw a staggering increase in the number of (primarily European) buyers in 2020, who have redirected their property searches from exotic locations further afield, to the South of France; for one, if not all of the reasons above.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Pexels.com

* With over 18 years of experience, we offer an in house turn-key property solution on the French Riviera and in Provence, including a full buyers search service, accompaniment through the entire purchase process, property management after purchase, and rentals. Additionally, we have established trusted partnerships with English speaking mortgage brokers, currency experts, lawyers, financial advisors, banks and more. We would be delighted to introduce you to any of them, to help facilitate your property purchase in the South of France, if you need them.

We look after your property investment on the Cote d’Azur, as if it were our own, and if you want to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth, this is what Edith T. had to say: Excellents services , bonne écoute, personnes extrèmement bienveillantes et très professionnelles. Expérience concluante.

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