A Tale of Two Passions



From Dreams to Reality

Information is at our fingertips, mais quand il est dans une autre langue it’s useless to many of us – and that’s where we come in. We have twin passions, Property and France – which makes us equally passionate about delivering the right information on both of these subjects, geared towards the needs of an international community to whom the language, the laws and the culture of France may be foreign. For some this hurdle might be enough to kill the dream of owning a home here, and that would be an unforgivable shame in our book.


Don’t ask for a Real Estate Agent …

Because you won’t find one here. We market and sell property, sure, but that’s only a small part of what we offer. We pride ourselves on offering a turnkey solution and a hand-held walk through the journey to owning a home in France. “With you every step of the way” is what Old Mutual, as chief sponsor, assures runners in the Cape Town Two Oceans Marathon every year, and as regular competitors we are sure they won’t mind us borrowing the phrase – we too promise to be “with you every step of the way”.


7 Steps – Stairway to Property Success in France

1.) Purchasing the Property

There’s a lot to choose from, and whether you’re absolutely clear in your mind as to what you want, or have a dream which is just developing, it’s important to have someone on the ground to guide you and offer advice on which areas to be in, or not to be in, on market prices, rent-ability (if that’s of interest to you), zoning/development possibilities, renovation and furnishing options – and the list goes on. We will happily meet you in person if possible or over a skype/phone call, to discuss and to develop an understanding of what you really want within your budget – and if we don’t have it available ourselves, we will go out and find it for you through our very extensive network of industry contacts.


2.) Financing the Property

Every country has different laws and regulations regarding financing for foreign purchasers. At the moment, in France, interest rates are particularly low – and therefore particularly attractive – and foreign investors looking to buy in France may apply for financing of up to 80% of the property value. We work with a number of preferred partners and banks specialising in providing finance to foreign investors looking to purchase a property in France, and we will happily introduce them to you and assist you with gathering all the information needed prior to a first meeting.


3.) Management of the Property

When you own a property in another country, one of the biggest hassles is the management of that property, as time is often short, and staying in touch with the French syndic (the body corporate of your building), understanding and paying their charges, paying the water and electricity bills, organising insurance or a gardener from afar, is probably last on your “wish to do” list. We offer a full management service, that will take this barrier out of the equation. With eleven years of on-the-spot experience, we handle all the administration if you wish us to, including providing you with monthly financial reports (what has come in and what has gone out and where to, and why.)


4.) Renovating or redecorating the Property

When you buy it or some time in the future, your dream home in the South of France might need a touch up, redecoration, or even a full renovation. With years of experience dealing with French builders and contractors, and excellent and proven contacts, we can offer advice, quotes and get this ball rolling for you, staying meticulously true to your specific needs, desires and budget – while at the same time being “on the ground” as your eyes and ears.


5.) Renting the Property

Depending on where you choose to purchase your home in France, there are often opportunities to rent out a property on a seasonal (or long term) basis to help cover costs, or indeed bring in a healthy revenue.

Our rentals team specialises in delivering an excellent service to owners and guests alike.

We are based in Cannes, which is a hotspot for numerous large congresses (Cannes Film Festival, Mipim Real Estate, Mipcom, Cannes Lions Advertising Festival to name a few of the largest) and if you choose to buy centrally in Cannes, you can expect to cover your running costs by bringing in a good rental return from your property through serviced rentals to business people visiting Cannes for conferences, and holiday makers in the summer.


Equally, many villas and apartments along the coast, farmhouses in Provence, or townhouses in quaint village centres lend themselves to families and travellers over holiday periods and summer months, and can be as financially rewarding as an apartment in Cannes.


6.) Servicing the Property

When it comes to the “behind the scenes” essentials for rentals – we fully cater to setting the property up (apartment or villa) with clean linen and a welcome pack, meeting and greeting the clients on arrival, and the full clean after they leave – meaning that you as an owner need not lose a moments sleep worrying about the logistics of renting your property in the South of France while you are not there.


7.) Selling the Property

and finally, when life takes another course, and the ownership of your home in France has come full circle, or when you’re ready to buy another property (upgrading or downsizing) we will guide you through the process and legalities of selling your property for the best price that the market will pay, to complete the property life cycle for you in France.



P.S. These are our offices in Rue Pasteur, Cannes (just behind the Miramar and Martinez Hotels). Our door is always open to you. www.fineandcountry.fr








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