Agents Take Note – A Great Fixer-Upper

scan0044I’m very harsh on real estate agents. I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because of how they call every small house ‘charming’ and every run-down house a ‘great fixer-upper’. Just once, I’d like them to show me a house and declare, ‘This one’s a piece of crap’.
Stephan Pastis

4 thoughts on “Agents Take Note – A Great Fixer-Upper

  1. As an agent, we feel just like saying that on occasions but, if you were the owner of that piece of crap, you’d probably want us to find a gardener and point out the positives that manure can offer 😉

    1. Couldn’t agree with you more Chris – and thanks for the comment! The post was meant as “Tongue in cheek”… we’ve updated the quote (from Stephan Pastis) with the picture it refers to, as without the picture it was a bit misleading (an old tree house in our garden!)

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