French Riviera Real Estate remains enduringly attractive to wealthy buyers.

In France as a whole, property prices and sales in the last three years have fallen and while this applies to the French Riviera too, the region is enduringly attractive to wealthy buyers.

Property on the French Riviera is generally seen as a long term investment, so gearing is very low, and owners are uninclined to react to the highs and lows of property cycles, and forced sales are few.

Partly as a result of that, the most desirable locations on the Riviera have very limited options for buyers as there is little on the market at any given time, with competition for the better properties returning to pre-recession levels of intensity.

This competition in the market is fuelled by softening tax laws for foreign buyers. Add to that, the weak euro is an enormous incentive to US and Sterling buyers who are saving as much as 15% to 22% on their purchase compared to a year or two ago.

Amongst them all, Cannes is a special case because it caters to so many business trips with numerous festivals and conferences almost all year-round. This unique feature of Cannes allows investors to benefit from attractive rental income from short term letting or full time letting for a more steady income, if this is what they want to achieve.

The French Riviera is a star, not just a home to the stars, and discerning people worldwide flock to it for its history, and its safe reputation, built up over the centuries.

Other destinations around the world can try, but in the end, they can only dream of emulating the French Riviera.

For more information about property for sale on the French Riviera, please contact us on or visit our website




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