Guidelines for Estate Agents in France, post Covid-19 Confinement.

As we prepare for the easing of confinement and reopening of business from May 11th, we will employ various strategies to ensure the health and safety of our valued clients, colleagues and our team at Fine & Country.


We will accommodate a 2 metre social distancing rule in our office premises, at all times.

Any face to face contact/meetings will be avoided. Where necessary this will take place side by side, with a minimum of a 2 metre distance between people.

The office premises will have a deep disinfectant clean before official reopening takes place. Thereafter, a regular cleaning routine will be done throughout the day; this will include desks, keyboards, surfaces, stationary, printer machine, door handles, mobile phones etc.

An ample supply of hand-gel, anti-bacterial wipes and sprays, soap and tissues will be readily available for team members, and clients.

All team members will be encourgaged to wash their hands with soap on a regular basis.

We will keep our front door locked in order to monitor and control the number of people in the office at any one time (with monitored and regular periods of “airing” the office to allow for fresh air and circulation throughout the day).


Estate agency is a “people” business and requires interaction with buyers, sellers and business contacts. To ensure everyone’s safety while returning to work however, we will put the following measures in place:

A phone call between team member and client should take place before any meeting on site, to reassure each party that the other feels in good health.

All physical contact is to be avoided, including hand shaking, and a distance of 2 metres must be kept between people at all times.

Protective wear, including gloves and a face mask will be worn at all times.

Where possible any marketing material will be shown via digital sources, or sent via email, to avoid leaving any “paper”.

Hand-gel will be used before and after all visits and meetings, and disinfectant spray used on the car interiors; steering wheel, gear shift, handbrake, door handle etc.


We will ensure the highest possible safety levels.

We will propose virtual viewings wherever possible, and only arrange face to face viewings with a buyer who is very interested in the property.

A health check will be carried out with the client and agent, to ensure both are in good health, before the viewing takes place.

The number of people attending a viewing will be limited, wherever possible, so that a 2metre social distancing rule can be applied throughout the visit.

If the property is lived in, the health of the seller will be assessed before arranging an appointment.

If there is a lift, the agent will not go in the lift with the client, the agent will take the stairs.

Where a physical viewing does take place, all physical contact must be avoided, including hand shaking.

Protective wear must be worn by all parties at all times, including gloves and face masks; and the use of hand-gel should be employed before and after the visit. If the client does not have a facemask and/orgloves, we will provide these items, and all masks and gloves will be disposed of immediately after the visit.

Clients will be required to meet the agent at the property directly, with a strict avoidance of the agent and client travelling in a car together.

These measures will be put in place from May 11th 2020, and until further notice from the French government.

Photo by Gustavo Fring on

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