Is now the right time to buy your property in France?

That’s the Million Dollar Question everybody wants the answer to, and our advice based on the market today is – Yes, we believe it is.. The market started to move again in early 2017. Offers are being accepted. Sale agreements are being signed. Loans are being granted. SOLD boards are going up, and new properties are coming up for sale at market related prices. The … Continue reading Is now the right time to buy your property in France?

Who is this guy called Emmanuel Macron?

IN HIS OWN WORDS: “France is back!” Obviously, he was not referring to rugby, although that might be on the agenda for later. At 39 EMMANUEL MACRON is the youngest French president since Napoleon, and starts his tenure facing some major issues, chief amongst them are: Unemployment, Franco-German relations, Social cohesion, Brexit. (and rugby of course) He swept to the presidency out of nowhere on … Continue reading Who is this guy called Emmanuel Macron?

French Riviera Real Estate remains enduringly attractive to wealthy buyers.

In France as a whole, property prices and sales in the last three years have fallen and while this applies to the French Riviera too, the region is enduringly attractive to wealthy buyers. Property on the French Riviera is generally seen as a long term investment, so gearing is very low, and owners are uninclined to react to the highs and lows of property cycles, … Continue reading French Riviera Real Estate remains enduringly attractive to wealthy buyers.

Leonardo di Caprio, Monks, Napoleon and the Gestapo have one thing in common. But what?

Anyone who has been to Cannes (or the French Riviera) will have at least seen, and most likely visited the “Lerins Islands” off the coast of Cannes, namely Île de Saint-Honorat and Île Sainte-Marguerite. These islands have a rich and fascinating history. One of the oldest working Monasteries in Europe, the Île de Saint-Honorat is the Southern, smaller island, dating back to AD410.  The Monks, … Continue reading Leonardo di Caprio, Monks, Napoleon and the Gestapo have one thing in common. But what?

Buying in France with £, US$, CHF, or…?

WHAT A DIFFERENCE THE FX RATE MAKES! The recent fall of the Euro means that if you are thinking of purchasing a property in France, and you’re buying in £, US$ or CHF… then you just won, big time! You’re in the UK? SAVE £90 484! The Exchange Rate is VASTLY better for you than it’s been since 2007. If you had wanted to buy … Continue reading Buying in France with £, US$, CHF, or…?

Buying Property “Off Plan” in France – Why, How & Where?

Buying a property in another country is a big decision, and can seem a dauting undertaking. We ask Guy Watson-Smith, Managing Director of Fine & Country in Cannes, a few of the WHY, HOW and WHERE’S of buying property in France under the current climate, focusing specifically on the purchase of New Build Properties or “Programmes Neufs”.  ***Head down to the bottom of the article … Continue reading Buying Property “Off Plan” in France – Why, How & Where?

French Riviera Property of the Week: “Eden found”

Originally a “Bergerie” (Shepherd’s hut), this home was (re)built in 1930, by a famous British writer, and her husband (who, before moving to France was the King’s librarian). She wrote a number of books while living in the house, about her life in the South of France and daily encounters with the local people. The current owners are equally as creative. She is an oil … Continue reading French Riviera Property of the Week: “Eden found”

French Riviera Property of the Week: “Waterfront Wonderland”

When thinking of the French Riviera, you would automatically presume that there are countless seafront properties, where you can wander down from your croissant, fruit platter and coffee breakfast on the terrace, straight onto your private beach or speed boat at the bottom of the garden. Well, there aren’t. With all the excitement of the railway arriving on the Riviera in the late 1800’s, and … Continue reading French Riviera Property of the Week: “Waterfront Wonderland”

French Riviera Property of the Week: “No Cosmetics Required”

I like to think that every single property we take on has something truly “special” about it. Something unique, that sets it apart, and that we can get really excited about. Our first “French Riviera Property of the Week” is for the ladies, and we’re setting the bar pretty high with Number 1! “Estee Lauder” can be found in all of our cosmetics drawers. A … Continue reading French Riviera Property of the Week: “No Cosmetics Required”